When I was a little girl, I collected “Precious Moments” figurines. For those of you going “What the heck are Precious Moments figurines,” take my hand and let me guide you back to the 80’s, past Members Only jackets, side ponytails, popped collars and big hair.
Precious Moments were porcelain figurines of innocent children with big eyes, button noses and an expression of, well, preciousness on their faces. My little collection is saved, tucked happily away in storage. It will stay in storage until the day I go to the great Total Wine in the sky and my children deposit my collection at the nearest Goodwill. Hey, I won’t care. Hello? I’ll be at the Total Wine in the sky.
And until recently, I thought those Precious Moments children existed only as porcelain figurines…until I met this little darling. She is a Precious Moments figurine come to life. So much so, that I sort of think the Precious Moments people should hire her as a spokesperson.