Frank Frost took a selfie last Monday.
Certainly, this is a stupid thing to talk about, right? After all, millions of selfies are taken every day, so why talk about a professional photographer from Albuquerque doing the same thing?
Because he’s never done it before.
Yes, Frank Frost, Albuquerque photographer, Mountain Dew drinker, a man so organized he makes Marie Kondo look like a hoarder has never taken a selfie until now. The man has never picked up his iPhone, reversed the camera and taken a picture. I’ve done it plenty with him, but Frank on his own? Nope.
So, what was the reason for the sudden selfie-turn about? Did he have a “Feeling cute-might delete later” moment? Was “Take more selfies” part of his 2023 photography resolutions? Was it an accidental selfies? A selfie DARE, perhaps?
No, it was none of those things.
Frank took his first selfie after having picked up his mama for an afternoon drive to Granite Reef Park. See, his mama has dementia and she doesn’t remember much but she loves a good drive. They spent the afternoon together and Frank wanted to remember it. And wanted something for his mama to remember. So, for the first time in his life, he took out his phone, wrapped his mom in his arms, and then took a selfie of both of them.
He sent it to the family and there were more than a few tears, both because of the subjects and the fact that Frank did the thing he swore he’d never do. Those images will soon be printed and framed in her room for his mom to enjoy without needing a phone. (Yeah, they might have been taken on a phone but they will live on paper.)
Friends, as you know, we believe to our core in the importance of professional photography, setting aside time to take photos of the people you love, but when all you have is a smart phone and a moment you never want to forget, you take the picture.
(Note: You’re not seeing the photo because it’s a horrible selfie. I mean, just awful. Frank will never be an Instagram influencer. I sort of think he’s happy about that. )