There reaches a point in the life of every child we are lucky enough to photograph year after year when they don’t need Miss Cheri anymore. Most need me until around the age of 7, but some outgrow me early. And while they still like my bubbles and my tickle ball and my games and my goofy ways, they don’t really NEED any of it to smile naturally.
And when that day happens, I get a little verklempt.
Frank left me behind recently when he photographed darling Mackenzie. I knew the day was coming; this girl is 6 going on 16, but still, the feeling was bittersweet. After all, Mackenzie and I go back…way back. We’ve been in the mountains together and down by the river; we’ve danced to “Can’t Stop the Feeling” in the dunes of White Sands; we’ve commandeered Famous Amos cookies from the back of Frank’s car…
But now? Mackenzie is working it all on her own.
In the words of Mary Poppins, “That’s as it should be.”
Thankfully her little sisters still require my services, so Mackenzie is not quite done with me, yet.
And I’ll make sure Frank brings the cookies.