Of these three little girls, the middle one is Aubrey.
Aubrey, like her sisters, is equal mixture of smart and adorable. She is a tiny girl who knows what she wants. And on this particular night, she knew what she needed to get through her family’s portrait session. And it wasn’t our “tickle ball,” or our toy cat who always finds himself on my head when I look for him, or even bubbles…
No. Aubrey needed doughnuts.
And not just doughnuts, but the promise of a Doughnut Party.
Now, I’m not sure what a Doughnut Party entails, but I DO know that she and her sisters have incredible parents who will turn the simplest act of going to get doughnuts into an event. A party, even. I love that.
So does Aubrey.
To be sure, Aubrey has favorites. When asked, she will tell you her favorite doughnut is “pink,” she likes Dunkin Donuts, and she is a big fan of sprinkles. I told you she was a smart girl.
But as I also told you earlier, she’s a girl who knows what she wants, and as we neared the end of the session, Aubrey wanted to be done.
So, as she reached the end of her family portrait session tether, a battle cry went up, a shout to rally the troops and strengthen the weary, a reminder of what this all was for; a surge of inspiration to carry her through to the very end:
It was like Aubrey was Scotland and we were William Wallace in the Dunkin Donuts version of “Braveheart.”
And she did it. Because she is an equal mixture of adorable and smart, just like her sisters.