It wasn’t just cold during Felix’s senior session, it was bitter cold. It was the kind of cold where the wind bites through your clothing and you swear you’ll never be warm again. It was the kind of cold that forces you to sit in your car afterwards for ten minutes with the heat blowing on high just to be able to grasp the steering wheel.
People, it was frigid.
It was a level of cold we don’t usually see in Albuquerque and yet, standing there on that Albuquerque overpass, rush hour traffic below us on I-25, the sub-zero wind whipping my lights around like they were in a blender, turning a senior session into the frozen tundra, it had arrived in full force.
It was dark, bitter cold and windy.
But, and here’s the best part, you would NEVER KNOW IT by looking at Felix.
This guy was amazing.