As we approach Father’s Day, a message to the dads:
When our children were little, we would take them to the park. And I would stand below the jungle gym, eyes cast upward, and wring my hands.
“Be careful!”
“Don’t fall!”
“You have climbed high enough!”
In short, I would FREAK. OUT.
Frank, on the other hand, would stand below the jungle gym, eyes cast upward, and say,
“Just a few more steps to the top.”
“You’re gonna be fine.”
“You’ve got this.”
He worried every bit as much as me, but shoved it to the back of his mind as he encouraged them. And was rewarded by ear to ear grins as they waved from the top.
Oh, dear Fathers, thank you for the difference you make in your child’s life. The lessons you teach stay with them long after they climb off the jungle gym.
How lucky we are to have you.
Happy Father’s Day.